Best Option of Cannabis Concentrate Packaging---Concentrate Jars

HomeBlogBest Option of Cannabis Concentrate Packaging---Concentrate Jars

Best Option of Cannabis Concentrate Packaging---Concentrate Jars

The packaging is important in all things, whether it be food, medicine, or even a toy. The packaging enables consumers to quickly recognize and find the product they want from the specific brand they prefer. But, more than that, the packaging a company uses helps protect the product and keep it in good condition. It can even speak to the values of its customer base.


What Is Cannabis Concentrate?

Cannabis concentrate is one of the seemingly endless marijuana options on the market. Marijuana edibles, hash, and even vapes are all available to help users consume marijuana recreationally.


So, what exactly is it? Cannabis concentrate is made from the cannabis plant, but it has been processed to remove excess plant material as well as other impurities while still keeping the most desirable plant compounds in place.


Cannabis concentrates are available in many different forms, including:







The various forms allow users to enjoy cannabis concentrates in different ways.


How Concentrate Is Stored Matters

Whether you are making your own cannabis concentrate or purchasing some and want to make sure it is stored correctly. The container used to house the concentrate is important.

Proper packaging of cannabis concentrate will help keep it in good condition. On top of that, proper cannabis concentrate packaging:

Preserves the concentrates potency

Preserves the flavor

Protects the concentrate from outside elements


When cannabis concentrate is stored incorrectly, your concentrate can:

Grow mold and mildew

Lose its potency

Become contaminated with pet hair, dust, and other allergens in the air

Although different types of cannabis concentrates prefer to be placed in various types of containers, the great thing about them is that they all can be stored in the same place. Cannabis concentrates need to stay in cool, dark, dry places. This could be something as simple as a drawer, a dry basement, or even in a kitchen pantry.


Jars Are a Popular Option

One of the most popular cannabis concentrate storage options is jars. There are multiple options available on the market, with each offering its own pros and cons.

Some of the types of jars available to store concentrate include:

Silicone jars. This option is best if the concentrate is only going to be stored for a short amount of time (under one week). Be sure to use a medical-grade silicone container to protect the cannabis concentrate from becoming contaminated. However, silicone jars are not airtight, so they will not preserve freshness long-term.

Plastic jars. For concentrates that are runny or liquid, plastic is a good, short-term storage option. Oils will easily run off of plastic, allowing users to get the product out.

Glass jars. Glass jars are a popular option for storing cannabis concentrates for a medium amount of time. However, it is important to get the correct size. A jar that is too large has a lot of air space, which can affect your concentrates potency over time.

Once youve chosen the right jar or another container, it is time to think about the lid. Does it need to be airtight and vacuum-sealed? Is a pop-off lid the preferred option, or would a screw-top work?


Looking for concentrate jars packaging? Click here for more.


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