4 Factors To Consider When Choosing Cannabis Packaging

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4 Factors To Consider When Choosing Cannabis Packaging

4 Factors To Consider When Choosing Cannabis Packaging


Marijuana packaging has come a long way since legalized, regulated, recreational markets have become a reality. There is more and more child-resistant packaging and different types of packaging for brand and marketing managers to choose from. Choosing the right cannabis packagingfor your products can be a daunting task!

There are many factors to consider when choosing hemp packaging. You need to consider the protection, cost-effectiveness, consumer experience and other factors of the product under the compliance with the cannabis packagingregulations to find a suitable cannabis packaging for your enterprise.

The following factors should be considered when choosing hemp packaging:

1. Comply with hemp packaging regulations

Cannabis packaging that meets children's requirements is a requirement. Know and understand the regulations of your state. In most cases, states require that marijuana/THC or products containing marijuana/THC "use child protective packaging in accordance with the Poison Prevention Packaging Act, Part 1700, Volume 16 of the Federal Regulations".

The Anti Poison Packaging Act "requires that many household substances be packaged in child resistant packaging. The packaging required by the Child Protection Act must be designed or constructed so that children under five years old can hardly open it in a reasonable time, and normal adults can easily use it correctly." Remember, you not only protect children who should not enter THC products, but also protect the reputation of the cannabis industry and your brand image! Most state regulations mention "Packaging should not attract children".

Cannabis packaging must give sufficient physical space to easily list all needed nonsupervisory information. Be careful not to buy too numerous pre published packages because they may be out of date when used. Consider flexible packaging to acclimatize to changing regulations.


2. Product Protection

You and your team have the best weed, to create yummy infused treats, or have the cleanest concentrates, so of course, you need to select packaging that will protect the products you have worked so hard to develop.

There are two main types of packaging, and the right one depends on your product. Rigid child-resistant packaging is an option including hard plastics, glass, metal, cardboard, etc. Another option is flexible child-resistant packaging, typically flexible Mylar packaging pouches. Flexible packaging is typically made from plastic, foil, or paper. These materials are thinner, lighter, and malleable.Using Mylar bag for cannabis storage is a trend in the market.

Pre-roll packaging probably will bear rigid packaging because you want to cover your pre-rolls from being damaged. Some invested treats like eyefuls, gummies, hard delicacies could go either way – flexible or rigid packaging. Concentrates are generally in shallow glass or ceramic jars. Flowers can also be packaged in either rigid or flexible child- resistant packaging.


3. Cost Effectiveness

No one wants to spend a fortune on marijuana packaging, but the packaging needs to stand out on the crowded shelves of the dispensaries. Finding marijuana packaging that is affordable and stands out is key. Be sure you understand the full cost of the marijuana packaging you are looking to purchase. Watch out for hidden fees and tariff surcharges.

While on the subject of costs it’s worth considering how packaging can alter the shipping costs. The heavier the material the more it is going to cost in shipping, and while the material may be sustainable the cost to ship it in dollars and carbon footprint produced may outweigh the benefits of choosing that material.

Another key piece of information to note as it relates to cost is volume. Lots of product packaging providers provide volume discounts. The more volume you buy the greater the discount you get!

4. Consumer Experience

Consumer experience plays an important part in choosing the right packaging for your products. It’s anticipated that utmost child- resistant marijuana packaging is going to beget some position of annoyance to your consumers. It happens to utmost of us with untoward drug and tradition specifics.

Understanding how and when your consumers will use the product will have an impact on the packaging you choose. If your product is for someone on the go then having something that takes up minimal space so they can bring it along with them in their pocket, backpack, or purse could be something you consider. If your product is something they might only consume/use at home then maybe size and shape dosn’t have as much of an impact. If the presentation and providing a memorable experience is a goal of your packaging strategy then the size, shape, and organization of the product might have an impact on your packaging decision.



When choosing the cannabis packaging,please consider the factors of this article.And you need to custom your packaging for hemp,you can consider our website - HEMPACKA.Our product will meet your all requirements.

For more related interesting article?

Why Do We Need The Child Resistant Mylar Bag ?

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Check out our website for this packaging. 



If you are interested in developing your brand packaging, feel free to message us!